Prisma Trading Card Games
Infernape (#026/172) - Reverse Holofoil
Item Details
Card Number: 026/172
Rarity: Holo Rare
Card Type: Fire
HP: 150
Stage: Stage 2
Attack 1: [R] Infernal Vortex (80x)
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. This attack does 80 damage for each Energy card revealed in this way. Then discard those Energy cards and shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
Attack 2: [1R] Burning Kick (160)
Discard all Energy from this Pokemon.
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 1
Weakness: Wx2
Finish: Reverse Holofoil
NM/Mint: Out of Stock - $0.50
Lightly Played: 3 In Stock - $0.45